Volume 20, Issue 11                                                                November, 2002
The President's Message

By Charles Cantrill

All I have to say is what a turn out we had for the fly-in.  And if you missed out you missed one of our best. We had everything from an old style Kolb to a Cessna 310 (Twin engine) fly in.  It was a beautiful day and we couldn’t have asked for better weather.
I have to tip my hat to Marlene, she did an outstanding job on organizing the fly-in and the awesome banquet we had.  I have to say the food was GREAT (and it was just as good the next day, as some us found out).
I want to thank everyone that came out on the week before to help with the workday and those who helped out during the week and the day before the fly-in, the field couldn’t have looked better.
Well next month we already have several fly out’s planned. One is on Sunday Nov. 3 to Jumbo Lair, for a wonderful breakfast. And on Nov. 23 we are going to South Lakeland for their Fly-In. I hope everyone can attend.
I just have to reiterate that the Fly-in was a GRAND SUCCESS. And once again thanks to Marlene for her hard work.

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