Volume 24, Issue 3                                                                March, 2006
The President's Message

By Alan Resnick

At the March meeting the [elected] Board appointed 4 additional Directors. They are John Gruener, Fred Griffith, Cindy Butler and Charles Almond. Fred Griffith was also reappointed Safety Director.

 Brian Withrow has volunteered to co-ordinate getting those who need to complete Light Sport Ground School together with an instructor. Contact Brian at gritty22000@earthlink.net, 407-847-8810 home or 407-908-4038 cell. 

 Fred Griffith has also volunteered to head a search committee consisting of Tom Yowell

Kristine Babcock and Jack Levering. They will be overseeing the clubs search for a new home. If you have any ideas contact Fred 407-595-4882.

 We will be having a POT LUCK dinner after the SPRING SOCIAL. You can contact Cindy Butler 407-452-8530 to find out what you need to bring !

 The investment group will be meeting on April 27th to re-vote the continuation of facilities for the club. This is due to a procedural error on the first vote. We hope the vote this time will be the same as the first vote. In the mean time the club is exercising due diligence and has purchased insurance for the field. This is a very high expense but necessary for us to keep operating.

 Please remember when you renew your membership, $ 60.000for the year, we need an updated application completed and signed on both sides.

 REMEMBER the “Spring Social” Fly-in on May 6th.  

Events start 9:00am Gator Time!

Fly safe and enjoy Sun and Fun!

 Alan Resnick, Pres.     407-493-8597

Please remember - 1-800-WX BRIEF

Fly safe!

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