Volume 27, Issue 1                                                                                        January, 2009
The President's Message

By Alan Resnick

We have hangers available!

 I would like to report that this year started well on Jan 3 with a fly out to  Blackwater Creek  for lunch

We had 9 Trikes, Buddy Babcock and his Trick Trike crew and Charles Cantrill , Dennis Day and myself in fixed wing. 

On the10th we were not able to have a board meeting but our Members meeting went well except we did not have the annual election; it is scheduled for Feb 7th. Last year we ended up with 52 members so far 21 have renewed. It is that time. Dues are still $60.00 for the year. Hangers are still $70.00 per month.

 I received two calls the morning of the 17th that we had a problem at the field. When I arrived at 10:30 it was obvious. Someone of questionable birth had taken a considerable amount of time to spin donuts in, on and through out the south half of the main runway. The damage is extensive enough that the south half of 36/18 is closed. The 1000 feet of the north half is ok. Exercise caution and use your best judgment using the runway.

We are now considering what to do. We have 2 tractors available with front loader buckets and will talk to Kenny Boynkin about grading. As soon as I have more information I will let everyone know.

 The Light Sport gathering is at the  Sebring Expo  from 22 to 25 January.

 Remember, use caution on the runway!

  Alan Resnick, Pres.


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Fly safe!

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