Volume 27                                                                                                        November, 2009
The President's Message

By Alan Resnick

We have hangers available!


 We are ready for a great runway reopening Fly-in on Saturday, November 14th.  The Leesburg EAA will be serving breakfast at 9:00 AM and we will have flying events throughout the day.  I hope all our RC enthusiasts will bring their toys as well.  We will also be serving our usual gourmet hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch!

At the November 7th meeting, the Board voted to increase hangar fees to $90.00 per month.  This will go into effect starting January 1, 2010.  You can still receive one month free if you pay your hangar fees for the entire year (12 months for the cost of 11).  Membership dues will remain at $60.00 per year. 

Gator Field has a total of 37 hangars.  Hangars 31-37 are in the process of being rebuilt (thanks to the usual volunteers for their hard work) and will not be available for a few more months.  Of the 30 remaining, we still have 5 hangars available for rent 

The runway is in fantastic shape with the irrigation system really helping the grass.  When landing, you will notice white concrete markers at the sprinkler heads to aid you in avoiding the sprinklers plus the markers also define the 75 feet-wide runway.  The tetrahedron has also been repainted orange. 

And we finally acquired a roller for the field—many thanks to Howard Webb for his excellent fabrication.  It cost $925 (which is a bargain) and we are requesting donations to cover the cost of the roller.  Please send donations to:   

Florida Flying Gators

3795 Lake Mirage Blvd.

Orlando, FL  32817

 We are looking forward to welcoming our members and friends to a great fly-in on Saturday, November 14th.  Remember to fly safe and check TFR’s.


  Alan Resnick, Pres.


Please remember - 1-800-WX BRIEF

Fly safe!

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