Volume 28                                                                                                      January, 2010

The President's Message

By Alan Resnick

We have hangers available!

I am looking forward to a good turnout at the February 6th meeting. With the New Year, it's time to renew your club membership which is still only $60.00 per year.

The hangar rent is now $90.00 per month. We still offer the pay for a year and get one month free discount (12 months for the price of 11).

After the meeting on Saturday, we need to finish the tear down of the back row hangars 32 thru 37. Once the area is cleared, we can start a layout to rebuild the hangars. Currently, we have 5 hangars available for rent.

At the meeting, I would like to discuss other events that occur on the first Saturday and consider what we can do to make flying time available! We need to encourage more flying events and try to schedule something monthly. Also, we'd like to hear about the recent Light Sport Expo at Sebring if anyone attended.

A fly-out to River Ranch for breakfast has been scheduled for February 27th. Departure time from Gator is 8:30 AM.

Alan Resnick, Pres.


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Fly safe!

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