Sky Writing, by Robie


  Well  now, a fella takes a vacation to see Grandkids,  family  and friends and look what happens:  an unwelcome storm attacks his home town!  Get home and here comes another...what a greeting !  But all is well.  Lost a big oak tree.  That's all.  Thank God.

While visiting my brother Rev. Bob Robinson, many of you met him when we we putting in the water system, he invited me to bring the message at his three small, rural churches along the Ohio River. (He is suppose to be retired...)  What a blessing for me,  if not for his congregations! In NC presided over an outdoor mountain wedding for one of Nancy's kin. One of her kin brought a carved wood, shot-gun as a pretence that this was a "forced" union. (It was not) It was really a kin affair, however. I seem to be the Kin Chaplain, having performed weddings, and funerals in the past..

Visited a retired special forces chaplain in NC.  A friend of many years: Okinawa, Vietnam, etc. It was the hardest visit I have ever made to see this former gung ho, airborne, soldiers soldier now the victim of Agent Orange, etc. His mind clear, but unable to speak; mobility limited to partial movement of left hand.

I gave him a blessing,  and hand salute as we departed. He raised his left hand ever so slightly.  I confess to tears. For him, for me, perhaps for all who have served and still serve in their lasting pain and disability. God be with him and bless him.

Oh yes, I did see an airplane. Only one. An AT 6 flew overhead in NC. Heard it first! I felt really blessed! Blessings,  Robi


James (Robie) Robinson


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